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Good reads @ JCPL

I agree with whoever coined the phrase, “I’m in no shape to exercise,” and wholly agree with whoever surmised, “That’s not sweat; it’s my body crying.” Seriously, there are so many different types of exercise to choose from, chances are there’s one that’s right for you.


The world's most expensive flip flops?

Sitting by my front door are a pair of flip flops; the ones I wore all summer long and just never had the heart to put away for the winter. It's January, I know; boots should take the place of those flip flops, but I still can't make myself put those pretty, beaded symbols of summer away. Besides they were a bargain.


I have been dragging my heels, with a serious case of writer's block keeping me from starting this article. As I read back that first sentence, it occurs to me to wonder how in the world I could be dragging my heels when I'm actually sitting down.


"What's shakin', bacon?" I love that Progressive Insurance commercial. There stands a woman, buying insurance from Progressive, and hovering in the background are her current insurance agents, who not only can't remember how long she's been a customer, but can't get her name straight even after she says it out loud.


“You’ll shoot your eye out!” Ralphie’s mother in “A Christmas Story” knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that if he got that Red Ryder BB Gun that he wanted so badly for Christmas, he would definitely shoot his eye out.


Shopping around is a great way to unearth deals and bargains. The best bargain, by far this holiday season, is right in your hometown, and the deals right at your fingertips.


Remember the story problems that we did as kids in school? Here is a story problem: If today is November 9 and there are 30 days in November and thirty one days in December and Christmas falls on December 25, how many days are left until Christmas?


Life is full of “teachable moments.” “You learn something new every day” is my mantra.

If you’re an avid reader, you know this phrase to be true. Even if what you normally read is fiction, there’s always a grain of truth and a lesson or two in each story.


If you would have told me a few years ago that I would be driving a mini-van someday, I would have told you that you’re wrong. No way would I drive a “bus.” My vehicles have always been compact; after all, I’m only 4’11” tall. So now, in my driveway, sits a red van, and every time I walk through my living room and see that “bus” out in my driveway, I wonder who is visiting, because, mentally, I still have not adjusted to the large capacity vehicle that is sitting where my little Toyota should be.