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Why we love fall

Person in gray socks standing above a book, blanket and fall leaves.

Everyone has their favorite season and fall is on top for many individuals.  There are a lot of reasons to enjoy the autumn season.  

For starters, that little bit of chill in the air makes it just right to put on that cozy sweater or sweatshirt and take a walk.  The sun shining with that nip of coolness makes for a most enjoyable stroll.  You can take in all the wonderful colors displayed in the trees; reds, oranges, yellows and browns.  Putting them all together makes quite a beautiful scene.

The sunsets take on a whole new glow of colors in the fall also.  The colors just seem to pop more with the pinks, oranges and purples.

Have you ever gone to the apple orchard and picked your own apples with your children or grandchildren?  The excitement of the kids as they get to choose their own apple is a wonderful memory for you and them.

Oh, and the food choices that come with the season.  Pumpkin spice, cinnamon, caramel apples, pumpkin pie and apple cider.  It doesn’t get much better than to curl up with a good book and a warm cup of apple cider in the evening.

Fall may not be everyone’s favorite season as it soon means that winter is close behind, but many will enjoy every moment they can before that happens.

Whatever your favorite season may be, stop in at your library and pick up a book, or an audiobook, to make those days fly by or to settle in for a long winter's nap.

Photo by Alex Geerts on Unsplash