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Summer Reading @ JCPL - Imagine Your Story is here

Graphic of a winged person carrying a book with their feet.

In consideration of COVID-19 public health emergency and social distancing, the Jasper County Public Library has restructured its Summer Reading Program.

This year’s program - Imagine Your Story - will be held virtually July 1st-31st, and will feature an online tool to track your reading called Engaged Patrons Online Summer Reading Program.

This tool will be available for kids entering grades K-5, teens entering grades 6-12, and adults 18 and over. All ages can register at to get started tracking their reading minutes.

Children and teens will have the opportunity to win prizes and can be entered into a grand prize drawing at the end of the program.

Children in the K-5 Online Summer Reading Program will be able to watch a performance by Science Tellers on a special website. A Preschool Bingo sheet for ages 2-5 will be available to download from our website or picked up from the library.

The Preschool Bingo sheet includes all five early literacy skills: singing, talking, reading, writing, and playing. Once the card is completed, kids will return it to the library to earn prizes. Our Youth Services staff is currently creating a virtual program for teens to attend as well.

Adults will have the opportunity to win weekly prizes and be entered into a grand prize drawing at the end of the program. For every book, magazine, or audiobook read or listened to adults will get an entry into the drawings.

E-materials count too,so don’t forget to check out our materials on Overdrive/Libby and Hoopla.

If you prefer, participants of all ages, may contact the library and make arrangements to pickup a paper version of the summer reading program.