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Is it too early to start looking for signs of Spring?

Lonely but brave purple daffodil blossom.

My daffodils are already sending up sprouts of green leaves. When will we see the first crocus?

According to the website the Spruce, it could be soon: “These early bloomers can often be seen peeking up through the snow well before any other flowers appear in your landscape.”

You might want to consider starting some seeds indoors  to be ready with new flowers and vegetables come planting time. The book Seeds: the ultimate guide to growing successfully from seed, by Jekka McVicar, could help with that project. It’s shelved at the DeMotte Library but it can be sent to Rensselaer or Wheatfield if one of those is your home library.

You can also start thinking about what plants and bushes will be ready for spring pruning. There are several books in our system to help you complete that project.

On a mild February morning you can hear the birds singing. Soon we will be looking for the first robins to appear.

It’s not too early to clean out the old nests from your bird houses to get ready for new occupants. You might want to check out The Backyard bird lover's ultimate how-to guide: more than 200 easy ideas and projects for attracting and feeding your favorite birds by Sally Roth, located at the Rensselaer branch. Again, place a hold in our online catalog, or call your home library to request a transfer. But if those books are out, we have plenty others to get you started..

So, on a dreary February day, come in and see what the library has to offer to help plan all your projects for spring.