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National Library Card Sign-up Month

Image of Idina and Cara Mentzel, honorary chairs of 2022.

September is Library Card Sign-up Month - a time when the American Library Association and libraries across the country remind parents that a library card is the most important school supply of all.

So, join us as we take this opportunity, observed since 1987, to celebrate your passport to fun and adventure; your library card!

Celebrate at your library

If you haven’t visited the Jasper County Public Library recently, September is a great month to start. During the month of September, all three branches of JCPL are celebrating Library Card Sign-Up Month by offering a small gift to all new JCPL library cardholders, as well as weekly drawings for current cardholders who check out items during the month.

All you have to do to participate is have a library card, check out items from any branch of JCPL, and enter your name to win!

For more information, visit or call the Rensselaer Library at 866-5881, the DeMotte Library at 987-2221, or the Wheatfield Library at 956-3774.

Today’s Public Libraries

Libraries play an important role in the education and development of children. 

"Studies show that children who are read to in the home and who use the library perform better in school and are more likely to continue to use the library as a source of lifetime learning."

Librarians are literacy experts. Libraries offer a variety of programs to stimulate an interest in reading and learning. Preschool story hours expose young children to the joy of reading, while homework centers provide computers and assistance to older children after school. Summer reading clubs keep children reading during school vacation and have been shown to be the most important factor in avoiding the decrease in reading skills that educators refer to as "summer learning loss." 

As our culture is shifting to a more active role in the creation of culture and information, today’s libraries are finding new and innovative ways to extend their collections and services, providing access to a wide variety of tools, both high-tech and low-tech, to empower their communities.

In addition to books, magazines, CDs and DVDs, computers, games, software and other multimedia materials, libraries increasing offer access to e-books and e-book readers.

Today’s public libraries are thriving technology hubs that millions rely on as their first or only choice for Internet access and digital content. Public libraries offer free classes and one-on-one instruction on technology, Internet and resource use. They help people start businesses, create resumes, search for jobs and apply for jobs online. Libraries help people connect with government and their communities, complete online forms and use online government services. 

September is Library Card Sign-up Month. Visit your library to get involved or visit to learn more.